Sea Bream Fillet with Ginger Beurre Blanc Sauce
1 x Sea Bream ie two fillets per person
Rapeseed Oil / Vegetable Oil
To serve: Ginger Beurre Blanc sauce – have ready before cooking the fish
· Prepare the bream by scaling, filleting, pinning and trimming
· Pinch the loin of the fillet and score approx. 1cm apart to break the skin.
· Heat a frying pan and add a little oil
· Place two squares of parchment paper into the pan – these help to prevent the fish from sticking to the pan
· Put the fillet onto the parchment, skin side down and hold for a few moments to prevent it from curling up
· Allow the bream to cook on a moderate heat until the skin is crispy and golden in colour – the majority of the cooking will happen on this presentation side
· Turn the fillet over and take the pan off the heat. The residual heat of the pan will cook the second side.
· Serve with ginger beurre blanc and your choice of sides.
Ginger Beurre Blanc
65ml white wine
20g of grated fresh ginger
· Allow the ginger to marinade with the wine – preferably overnight if possible
1 x tsp lemon zest
2 x tbsp of lemon juice
1 x tbsp of white wine vinegar
50g finely diced onion
100ml water
100g cold unsalted butter – diced
1x tbsp double cream
To serve: Finely diced red chilli, finely chopped chives or spring onion greens, lemon zest, cooked matchsticks of fresh ginger (toss in a little veg oil for a few minutes)
· Place all the ingredients (except the butter & cream) into a small saucepan, bring to the boil and reduce on a moderate heat until most of the liquid has reduced – leaving you approx. 4 tbsp
· Reduce the heat and gradually whisk in half of the butter, cube by cube- whisk hard to emulsify. Add the cream. Taste.
· You are looking for the sauce to thicken and coat the back of a spoon
· You may not need to add all the butter, the sauce should be creamy with slight acidity. Taste and season as needed, with salt & pepper and may be an extra squeeze of lemon
· Pass through a sieve to remove the onion
· Keep warm or re-heat slightly before serving.
To serve
· Finely diced red chilli,
· Finely chopped chives or spring onion greens,
· Lemon zest,
· Fresh Ginger sliced into fine matchsticks – (cooked in a little veg oil for a few minutes)
Add the Beurre Blanc sauce to a serving plate, add the chilli and chives. Place two fillets in the centre of the plate and dress with the remaining chilli, lemon zest and ginger matchsticks